Subscriber has to provide necessary documents and information to establish subscriber’s identification, legal status and business capacity. Multinet shall have the right to examine the same.
Multinet shall have the right to temporary disconnect, suspend or terminate the services for giving any false information by the subscriber in any document or otherwise including on the subscription form. If there is any change in the information given earlier, Subscriber shall notify Multinet of such change, failure of which shall entitle Multinet to suspend or terminate the services and its sole discretion.
Multinet has the exclusive right and jurisdiction of the title and ownership of the connection and equipment (Onu or any other) provided by Multinet.
Multinet shall provide the services to the subscriber within agreed timeline. However, in case of any delay, Multinet will notify the subscriber as soon as it is reasonably practicable.
Multinet may temporarily suspend the services wholly or in parts for repair, maintenance, upgrading or circumstances beyond Multinet control. However, Multinet will notify the subscriber as soon as it is reasonably practicable.
The connection will be automatically disconnected from Multinet if the subscriber has exceeded the monthly data volume limit.
Multinet should have exclusive right to change/ increase/ reduce the traffic charges, validity period, package plans and any other agreed terms etc. at any time subject to official notification of such changes. No notification will require if such changes take place due to any regulatory or government imposition.
Multinet shall endeavor to provide the best possible service to its subscribers. However, the quality, reliability and the availability of service may dependent on various factors. In case of failure to achieve desired quality, reliability and the availability of service due to any of the above factors, Multinet shall not be held liable.
Subscriber shall pay agreed charges to Multinet in its prescribed bill format strictly within due date. Multinet have right to suspend or terminate the connection to the subscriber if the bill is not paid in full within due date.
Multinet will retain the ownership of all optical network equipment provided to the subscriber. In case of termination or temporary stop of services, subscriber shall handover the equipment to Multinet without any delay. For any damages to the equipment, subscriber shall compensate the value of the damage equipment.
The subscriber undertakes to safeguard the equipment provided by Multinet from potential damage (i.e. misusage, negligence, fire, lightening, natural disaster, theft, sabotage, come in contact with water, drop from height). Multinet shall have the right to ask for damages from the subscriber.
Multinet reserves the right to change the above terms & conditions.
Responsibilities of Multinet are explicitly stated in this agreement as above and Multinet takes no other responsibilities beside those in this agreement.
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